Monday, June 4, 2012

Always Agree With Your Customer

When you are fundraising you are selling.  You will find that agreeing with your customers will give you the best results.

If you are asked why you do things a certain way try this thought process.

“There’s a good reason we do this, and it actually benefits YOU.” This is a response to a request the prospect has that flies in the face of your group’s policy. Too many times, fundraisers have responded with “I’m sorry, that’s our charities’ policy.” This often leaves the potential customer feeling the policy is unwieldy, rigid, and unfriendly. Again, the example is going to be about discounting, because many times, that’s where the “company policy” verbiage is invoked.

Try this instead: “Actually, the fact that we do our fundraising benefits you and those we serve. We plug much of our revenue right back into support rather than new fundraising so that your investment in our solution continues to have value year after year. The roadmap of technology is littered with fundraisers that couldn’t maintain profitability and went out of business, and their solutions were no longer supported. That’s not our business model, and we want to be there year after year for you.”

“I can understand why you feel that way.” Take the approach that the prospect’s always smart and perhaps a little skeptical, so if you like or agree that the prospect may have a point, and try to understand the situation from his or her perspective. So after opening my response with “I can understand why you feel that way,” I agree that if I were armed with the same information, I’d probably feel the same way, too.

Looking for fundraising help?  Give Sunset Coupons a call to find out how we can help. 

Presented By:
Sunset Coupons, LLC

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