Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why Sunset Coupons Works Year Round

When you are doing fundraising in Arizona you have to keep the weather in mind.  The southwest U.S. has some of the hottest weather in the country.  It can affect what can be sold during a fundraiser as well as the effect it can have on those doing the fundraising.

The overall problem is that fundraising can’t stop just because the temperature is over 100  and could well be pushing 115.

For six to seven months of the year you simply can’t drag around a thirty pound book of chocolate.  Yes, you can use a large cooler and ad ice to keep the chocolate cool prior to the sale but how are the people going to get the bars home before they melt.  We aren’t trying to single out chocalte but it is one item that is affected by our hot weather.

Any product that is heavy just adds to the heat stress of being outdoors and working during the hot months in Arizona.  We aren’t just saying summer here.  In 2012 the first 100 plus day occurred in April and that temperature can run into October.  That is seven months where at very light and non-perishable item has a distinct advantage.

Sunset Coupon Books have that distinct advantage.  The coupon books are a high value sale and since they are local coupons people have no trouble buying them to use later.

Here are some guidelines to be out and active in the Arizona heat.

Stay Hydrated,  Drink plenty of water, not sugary drinks, but water.

Stay in the shade when possible.

Use a good quality sun block

Plan your fundraising activities for the early morning or evening hours (after sunset)

Wear weather protective clothing.  Wear a hat and protect your skin by covering as much as possible.

Visit our web site for more information about how your group can use Sunset Coupon Books in your next fundraising activity.

Presented By:
Sunset Coupons, LLC

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