Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why Fundraising Is Selling!

I run across many people that have a very low opinion of Salespeople in general.  With many of the salespeople that reputation is well deserved.  Like all walks of life only about 5% of any group is at the top of their profession.

The result of a bad apple in any bunch is that they taint the whole basket full.  That sure applies to sales folks as well.  Any good salesman will tell you their most effective tools are integrity and honesty.  Those type of sales people rise to the top and standout both as being sought out and have the best sales records in the long term.

If, during your fundraising efforts, you are trying to persuade people to buy something or donate to your cause then you are selling.  Persuasion and selling are the same rose by another name.

Trying to convince a person to your way of thinking is selling.  You are selling an idea, a hope or part of a dream.  You are demonstrating a need and showing that person that they can benefit by helping you fill that need.  It is not their need, but one you make them aware of.  The benefit that they get directly may be as simple as feeling better by helping others.

Make no mistake, a great fundraiser is a great salesperson.  Always do your fundraising using integrity and honesty.  Never over promise and never oversell.

Using Sunset Coupon Books allows you to do your fundraising with honesty and integrity.  A great product sold at the right price and for the right reasons.

Presented By:
Sunset Coupons

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