Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Be A Fundraising Success Story

Do you wish to be a fundraising success?  What follows are some points to consider when starting you next fundraising drive.

Don’t fall victim to self-centered thinking.  You see, ordinary fundraisers judge the quality of their work with this principle: If I like it, it's good; if I don't like it, it's bad. It is a dungeon of their own making. Because what they like and dislike reveals almost nothing about effectiveness.

The people we are communicating with in fundraising are not us. We are different in key demographic, psychographic and attitudinal ways. Using your own taste to judge is like using a thermometer to learn if the soup has the right amount of salt in it.

Keep your target market in mind.  They just may be a few decades behind the times in their communications and design styles. This gives them power, because fundraising is aimed overwhelmingly at older people. That is the group who gives the most.

What looks corny and dated to young people like you and (ahem) me often looks comfortable and appropriate to donors. Design we like is often confusing and unattractive to older donors.

People may snicker at your old-fashioned ways, but it works. While everyone else is laboring to get random people to "like" them on Facebook the fundraising expert is cranking out corny, old direct mail and raising a ton of money.

Tell a great story. Even the most clumsy marketer knows how important stories are in fundraising. The best of the marketers knows a deeper truth: Everything is a story. That is, everything should be a story.

A typical fundraising story is one that illustrates in a human and emotional way the need for the donor's gift and the impact the gift will have. That's just one kind of story. There are others:

A good deal (like matching funds) can be a great story if written like one.

A looming deadline can be a gripping narrative in the hands of a strong writer.

And then there's the best story of all: The donor's history of generosity.

All of these things can be emotional, powerful stories. You just have to write them that way.

At Sunset Coupon Books we want you to have every edge you need to help your group raise the needed funds.  If you are familiar with how we can help your group visit our website at: http://sunsetcoupons.com

Selling Sunset Coupon Books can make you a fundraising success.  Find out how by looking for a great local source to help your fundraising efforts give Sunset Coupons a call at: 800-627-6340.

Help from your friends at;
Sunset Coupons, LLC

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