Thursday, April 19, 2012

Selling, A Valuable Learned Skill

Selling: The word by itself seems to have a chilling, scary feel for some people.  We do it all the time.  You eat a restaurant and have a great experience.  You see a movie that you just love.  Now, share those with your friends.  That word-of-mouth is the most basic form of selling.  When you make a recommendation about a product or service to someone you are “selling” that brand to them.  You share information with family, friends and co-workers all the time.  You can over hear a conversation between complete strangers and if you know something that might help them you just might interrupt and offer the advice you think would be helpful.  

You are selling at that point.  Yes, it is understood that you don’t expect something back or in return for this information.  But, you are selling or promoting that product or service.  You feel that your advice may save that person time or trouble or give them a pleasant experience and you don’t expect anything beyond an appreciation of the simple act of sharing.  A its very best that is what happens when you sell something.

If you or a youngster of yours are selling something for a group or organization that is trying to raise money for a good cause you can be more successful if you know some basic rules of selling.

The first is to have a good understanding of the product or service you are offering.  It really helps that you like and feel comfortable making this offer to both your family and friends (that is called your warm market) and complete strangers.  Keep in mind what your are “selling” has a good value to your buyer and will bring them benefits.

Second is a big one… Be Positive.  Not even friends or family will buy from you if you don’t have a positive attitude about the product or service you are offering.  The worst they can say is NO.  That isn’t a rejection of you, but simply an answer of, No, not now.  Or No, that is something I will never or can never use.  Even when the answer is no, a sincere, heart felt “Thank You” is required.

Third, never, that is NEVER; ask the sales question in any form that can be answered by the word, NO!  An example is “Do you want to buy __________ ?” Why, they won’t really listen and the knee jerk response is “NO!”.  Learn to ask a question that is phrased along these lines.  These great ________ are only $_______ do you want one or two?

Forth, learn to get their attention first.  That is a great selling rule, “First Get Their Attention.”  If you are selling products on location you may want to be able to shout out, “I’m giving away free Lunches” Make sure your hook is true.  Never get their attention with what amounts to a lie.  At best your potential buyer will be disappointed and a worst they may feel cheated and Not buy!  Once you have their attention, the buyers will approach you with buying based questions.

If your fundraiser doesn’t have a great hook call Sunset Coupons and find out about selling a coupon book full of Free Lunches.

Presented By:
Sunset Coupons, LLC
Phoenix AZ

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