Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How Does Social Media Work in Fundraising?

Today the use of Social Media as part of marketing is a well accepted fact of life.  Social Media web sites give you a forum or place to tell your story and bring up-to-date information about the current events that your charity or group is involved in.

Social Media helps promote a charity in two ways, loyal donors can create small networks and provide testimonials for the group and volunteers can share information with each other through social networks.

More than half of all fundraisers believe social networking sites have a place in the fundraising world, studies have shown. And one in five non-profits has generated donations from a social media site.

What's the appeal of social networking? There are practically no barriers to entry, for starters.

Facebook does not charge a fee, nor does Twitter. For example, a Facebook account to can be used to promote special events and donation drives.  If someone is going to offer marketing opportunities at no cost, why not accept the offer?

Another reason: it's where the donors are hanging out. Nearly 7 in 10 of American adults visit online blogs, communities or social networks, and one-third of those surveyed say they visit these sites to read up on the latest happenings in their area.

The promise of this emerging technology is simple. Small businesses and charities can dominate if they embrace social networking as part of their marketing strategy.

Social Media is not like a light switch that you can flip and be instantly gratified with donations from people you don’t have a relationship with.  You can open a Facebook page one day and expect donations tomorrow.  You have to spend time, in fact many months building those early relationships.  As you build the number of people will grow faster as the number increases.  That is just the nature of social media.  It is a place of relationship building.

Your donations will come from groups of people that can relate to your cause.  If it is a cause that is nationwide then that can be the response.  If your cause is a local sports team then your focus is about how those children and the community will have a positive impact from the community and their donations.

If you are looking for a much faster and easy way to build up local cash flow please take a look at the help you can get from Sunset Coupon Books.  They offer 100% match of dollars to your organizations efforts.  Give us a call and find out more. 800-627-6340

Presented By:
Sunset Coupons, LLC


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