Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do Unrelated Scams Hurt My Fundraising?

With dozens of elementary, middle and high school sports and clubs out and about trying to get cash to support their programs, how can you tell a phony from the real deal?

Scams seem to be popping up everywhere online and over the phone, but the latest scam to hit Anchorage took a more classic approach.

Fundraising for school sports and activities are a long-standing tradition. But recently, a high school-aged scammer posed as a student collecting money door-to-door for a fake West High School football trip to Italy.  So how can you make sure your hard-earned dollars are going to the right place?

The Better Business Bureau is warning people to be wary of scam artists pretending to be charities collecting money to help people affected by Tropical Storm Isaac.

With stories like this going around on TV and in Social Media it can truly impact your fundraising efforts.
There are many ways to help differentiate your fundraising group from scammers that are out there praying on others. Always have a sheet, either a letter from the teacher or the principal on letterhead. Students and organizations also should have approval by the principal or endorsement of a booster club to raise money.  Be able to show your credentials to your potential donors.

Students and parents out representing their team can be wearing their jerseys, selling things at grocery stores and different venues, those outward signs help show legitimate organizations.

One advantage to Sunset Coupon Books is the ability to do a real “Show and Tell” about what they are getting right now as you sell your groups books (they can include your groups name and logo on the cover).  This works even better if you have arranged to sell your books right in front of one of the participating merchants’ locations.

Sunset Coupons is an Accredited Business by the Arizona Better Business Bureau.

Fundraisers and Fundraising Matters!

At Sunset Coupons we want to help you make your next fundraiser easier and more successful.  Give us a call at 602-279-0404 to find out how we can help your group.

Presented By:
Sunset Coupons


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