Monday, March 4, 2013

Fundraising's Basic Donation Questions

Using the words you find most comfortable, present your appeal.

Person’s Name ... I would like you to consider a gift (or donation) of just $30 to our youth sports organization ___________.  That will help those children whose parents can’t afford uniforms this year. The words, "I would like you to consider," are the ones you may find most appropriate.


There you have asked for the donation. That wasn't so difficult after all.

Follow that simple example. Make the ask, and for a set amount. Don't fill in the silence. No matter how long it may seem, wait. The first one who speaks is at a disadvantage! So just pause ... for what seems eternity. They will respond with a yes or no.

If that answer is yes, then get the details of the donation.  If the answer is a no …

No, I don't think so, or. I don't think I can give that much, not at this time.

Continue the conversation.

Well, then tell me, (person’s name), did I ask for too much? I need to know. I honestly felt that based on your identification with our program and your past support, $30 was just about the amount you'd want to give to a youth program this important. Am I correct? That's about the amount you would want to give, isn't it?

They respond: No, you are correct, that's just about the amount I'd like to give to a project like this.

And now, my final question.

Is it the timing, (name)? Is the timing off? You've indicated your enthusiasm and excitement for our youth team, and said the amount was what you'd want to give. Is the timing a problem?

You are right, they respond. And then they go on to explain how it would be impossible to make a gift, even a small one, at this time. They are committed to a few other projects that there simply aren't funds available.

Find out when would be a good time to reconnect with the potential donor and make sure you do.

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Presented By:
Sunset Coupons, LLC
Phoenix AZ

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