Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Is Your Groups Fundraising Age Target

Did you know that your type of group and the items you sell may be more likely to sell to certain ages groups more than others?

Did you know that an older female is more likely to be a buyer or to make a donation?  That doesn’t mean that a single twenty-something male will never make a purchase or donation.  But, he is less likely to be a buyer.

You never want to pre-judge your buyers and not approach based on the likelihood to purchase.  Many factors enter into the “purchase” mix.  If your “seller” is a young attractive female the twenty-something male will usually stop and at least talk with her.  The ability to start a conversation is the very first step to making a sale.

A recent study found that age groups have an average charitable giving that shows age related patterns.  Mature givers, on average, $1066 per year to 6.3 charities, while Boomers give $901 per year to 5.2 charities. Gen X gives $796 on average to 4.2 charities, and Gen Y gives $341 to 3.6 charities.  Their average annual income is also ranked from high to low in that same pattern.  So the annual income may be the prime reason rather than just age related motivations.

Furthermore, when the estimated population of each generation is considered, Matures represent just 21% of total donors and 28% of actual contributions. It pays for any charity to appeal to as many kinds of donors as possible.

Having a personal connection to a cause or an organization plays an integral part in why a donor gives. A little over one fifth (21%) of responding donors supported an organization because a loved one or themselves had been personally affected. In a time when more and more families and individuals are in need of support and assistance, it’s important for nonprofits to reach out to those who they have once served and/or continue to serve and incite them to give.

Part of what makes Sunset Coupon Books is that there are coupons from entertainment and food vendors that will be interesting to many different demographics.  When approaching different age groups you can show them coupons that would be more relevant to their age group.  This ends up with a greater “yes” rate than not showing coupons to your potential buyers.

Looking for a great local source to help your fundraising efforts give Sunset Coupons a call at: 800-627-6340.

Help from your friends at;
Sunset Coupons, LLC

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