Monday, October 29, 2012

Fundraising By Age Can Be Very Different

Did you know that a person over sixty is more likely to make a donation or purchase from your group than a person in their early twenties?

Does that mean you should just target the older demographic?  Currently there are more sixty plus people in our society than there are people in their twenties.  So the pool of that generation is both larger and more likely to buy or donate.

But, you must understand that if you are street selling or asking for donations the total you raise is based on the total of people asked or approached.  While more sixty plus may donate or buy you don’t want to let those in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties just pass by or not be asked for a purchase or donation.

You may be less successful when approaching the younger crowd, you don’t want to ignore them either.  If you get one in four seniors to purchase or donate you may still get one in six or seven of the younger crowd to do the same.

It is true that mailing a donation letter to the younger set will have nearly zero response compared to seniors being one or two percent rate of response.  In person requests work much better for the younger demographic.

While it is understood that as a person gets older they are more likely to make a donation or purchase to help a fundraising group that doesn’t mean you should ignore any of the younger people that you can reach out to or approach.  A younger demographic will respond well if they have children included in the group, such as team and school sports.

Part of what makes Sunset Coupon Books is that there are coupons from entertainment and food vendors that will be interesting to many different demographics.  When approaching different age groups you can show them coupons that would be more relevant to their age group.  This ends up with a greater “yes” rate than not showing coupons to your potential buyers.

Looking for a great local source to help your fundraising efforts give Sunset Coupons a call at: 800-627-6340.

Help from your friends at;
Sunset Coupons, LLC

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