Monday, October 15, 2012

Multichannel Donations Increase Total Funds

It may seem like a “nobrainer” that giving people more ways to donate will result in more sales and donations, hence more money in total donations.

When you set up to sell your Sunset Coupon Books at outside your local store you want to make sure that all of the ways a person can buy and donate are represented.

You want to make sure that not only is every person who walks by offered a chance to purchase your Sunset Coupon Books but that they can donate money in your donation jar.  If you have an online donation or purchase channel that not only do you have a sign that lists your website, but, that each person is offered a handout with information about your group and their mission but that it contains the online information.  Upcoming events should be part of your display and handouts as well.

If a person walks by without a purchase or donation they are not saying “No” to your organization or cause, they are saying “Not Now”.  You need to make sure that when the time is right for each individual person that your group is still “top of mind” and the person has the information or access to the information that makes a purchase or donation possible.

If your group has a newsletter, online or mail-out, you can use it to reach a larger (and hopefully, ever growing) number of donors by collecting as many names as possible.  Make sure that at every event or sales location you have a sign-up sheet for your newsletter.  More importantly you want to make sure that people who make purchases, donations and those who don’t are given the opportunity to sign up for that newsletter.

You can have one person who has the clipboard with the sign up sheet and actively offers it to the people who pass your booth.  Make sure you have at least two clipboards with sign-up sheets so that people don’t have to wait to do a newsletter sign-up.

When doing in person fundraising it is helpful if you can relate your efforts to current news events and topics that in the forefront of your buyers or donors minds.  You can and should use posters to convey this information to those attending your event or location.

Looking for a great “New Idea” to help your fundraising efforts?  Give Sunset Coupons a call at: 800-627-6340 and see how we can help your group raise needed funds.

Help from your friends at;
Sunset Coupons, LLC

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