Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Testing, A Necessary Part of Fundraising

When it comes to marketing any good marketer knows that rather than rely on a “gut instinct” they need to test their marketing ideas.  They take several different ideas and run a small test for each and see what the results are.

After the testing they chose the method with the best results and that is the final idea or marketing style that they run with.

Are you testing to see which fundraiser brings in the most money or has the best results? If not, why not?

What should you test?  Well we can start with the price and value.  When you sell a candy bar for a dollar you make 0.50 cents per bar.  What would happen if you raise the price to $2.00 each.  You would make $1.50 per bar.  But at the end of the day how many would you sell? If you sell only half as many you would still make more money.  Would that idea work?  The answer is very simple, do a test and find out how well it would work.

Price and perceived value are the very important aspect of fundraising when your method is selling a product to raise those needed funds.

At Sunset Coupons the idea is fully tested with many years of results.  We offer a four hundred dollar value for your donor or buyer for just $10 dollars and your organization or group keeps $5.00 for each and every sale.

In addition because the value is a local value it is very easy for your potential customer to see how they can use and benefit from helping your group, school, church, charity or non-profit organization.

Sunset Coupon Books become a very easy to sell and a Win-Win-Win proposition.  Your group benefits, your customer benefits from more than $400.00 in savings and the local merchants get to introduce their products, services and entertainment to new customers.

Looking for a great and fully tested “New Idea” to help your fundraising efforts?  Give Sunset Coupons a call at: 800-627-6340 and see how we can help your group raise needed funds.

Tested Fundraising from your friends at;
Sunset Coupons, LLC

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